Incite Instant Replay
System Description
The system records continuously during a competition and the Ingest Monitor (Fig. 1) shows the status of the system including view and audio level preview, time code and various system connections.
From this monitor system operators can also configure the cameras, group them, name them, etc. Cameras are grouped when an exercise is filmed from different angles.
Fig. 1 – Ingest Monitor
As athletes perform their routines we receive triggers and create clips. When a score is given, we receive a set of score files that are associated with these clips.
During the competition these clips are available for consultation in live mode – as soon as we receive a mark-in the clip can be played. The list is automatically updated with the latest clip on top. The user may also search by athlete or specify criteria to find specific clips.
The system supports automatic upload to YouTube of all or selected clips including predefined intro & extro video, graphic overlay of score, watermark, etc. Export to other sites using ftp is also supported and other social networks uploaded may be added.
This content is archived and used for training of judges, to help athletes improve their performance, to help coaches show the athletes their mistakes and successes, to promote the sport, etc.
The same player is used during the competition and in offline mode using the clip information and media archived.
Depending on whether the apparatus is configured with 1 or multiple cameras the player will load the corresponding video. The player will play the different angles synchronized and allow quick switching between the cameras with the keyboard or mouse.
Fig. 2 – Ingest Player – Clip
Fig. 3 – Ingest Player – 2 Cameras
Fig 4 – Ingest Player – 1 Camera
Fig 5 – Ingest Player - Features
The player includes playback features such as:
- Frame by frame forward and backward.
- Fast forward and rewind.
- Slow motion forward and rewind.
- Multiple region selection with automatic display of total area selected.
- Markers with user defined text.
- Full screen view.
- Zoom of a particular area on the screen (2x, 4x, 8x).
How To Reach Us
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Address: rue des Voisins 30, 1205 Geneva Switzerland
Phone: +41 22 321 95 85