Incite Video Printer
Incite Video Printer

Fig. 1

Fig. 2


Incite Video Printer VP
Network-based Video Printer for Playout and Delivery
Incite Video Printer provides remote mixdown services for the entire network- based production facility, receiving and processing mixdown tasks from Incite MAM WEB Edit, Incite client NLE applications like Incite Newsmaker N1, Incite Media Producer MP,
The purpose of Incite Video Printer is to provide a centralized “video printing” service for all network clients using IT technology in much the same way a desktop printer prints paper-based documents for an office environment. The remote service is provided over a standard IP connection and controlled and monitored by Incite Task Server.
Once a sequence has been prepared on an Incite MAM WEB Edit client or NLE application, the timeline, or portion of a timeline, is submitted via WEB service or TCP/IP protocol to Incite Video Printer for mixdown. The mixdown task list is monitored through Incite Task Server (WEB or Application client), monitoring the tasks generated by multiple WEB or NLE clients. File status for the playout media can be viewed through the Project list and MAM server using MAM WEB client or Incite Media Manager M2 application as the client, where the new mixdown media can be organized to create running order for playout through the central playout station.
Unique network-based mixdown service
Compile output and delivery files at any resolution and any platform
Submit requests from Incite applications:
MP, N1, WEB Based
Incite Video printer Advantages:
- Centralized mixdown and publishing
- MOS support and Newsroom integration
- Direct access to mixdown media from client application
- Continue to edit on workstations, while the mixdown is processed over the network
- Edit in WEB, Print video at high resolution
Incite Video Printer Workflow
- The basic workflow involves using a MAM WEB Edit or Incite NLE application locally or remotely to create a project and build a timeline using web proxy or centrally stored media. Once the timeline has been prepared, the user selects the region of the timeline that needs mixing, then makes the “remote mixdown” request over the network or from the WEB interface. Incite Video Printer is assigned the task via Incite Task Server at which point the timeline is printed to disk as a single file.
- Incite Video Printer is designed to provide hi-res mixdown, while the media used to create the actual timeline can be proxy format media. For example, Incite MAM WEB Edit can create and edit timelines using proxy media simultaneously transcoded from the hi-res media during ingest. Incite MAM & Video Printer will dynamically switch to the hi-res files when it receives the mixdown request.
- The way this is handled depends on the way media is treated during ingest and how the media is organized on the network using Incite Project Configuration tools and Incite Task Server. All media is stored on the central server, hi-res files being directed to the SAN/NAS while proxy resolution files to the WEB Server.
- The only requirement is that Incite Video Printer needs direct access to the hi-resolution video for the mixdown. There is no need for file transfers or recapturing hi-resolution media.
- The remote mixdown task is triggered through Incite Task Server over a TCP/IP address.
- Software-based transcoding of media resulting from a Video Printer mixdown can also be performed using Incite Task Server Technology. As the mixdown media is created (during the mixdown), Incite Task Server initiates the transcoding procedure. In this way, you can produce different file formats from the same media source. For example, if you are compiling in high-resolution HD, you may want to create parallel formats for Social Media or web-OTT.

Supported Video Codecs: (not exhaustive)
- AVC-Intra, AVCHD, Canon XF MPEG2, Digital SLR, DVCAM, DVCPRO50, DVCPROHD, DPX, HDV, XDCAM EX, XDCAM HD, XDCAM HD422, Sony XAVC, Sony RAW, Avid DNxHD, VC-3, Apple ProRes, QuickTime, Uncompressed 8-bit 4:2:2, Uncompressed 10-bit 4:2:2, MJPEG, JPEG2000, MPEG2/1, H264, HEVC
Supported Audio Codecs: (not exhaustive)
- MPEG1/2, PCM, AAC, AES3, LATM, ADPCM, LPCM, WAV, MP3, BWF, WMA, DV, AC-3, Dolby Digital Plus
Minimum System Requirements:
- OS: Windows Server 2012r2, 2016, 2019,2022 or Windows 10/11 (64-bit)
- CPU: Recent single or dual Intel Xeon or i7, with multiple cores.
- RAM: 32GB,
- HDD: Fast local HDD/SSD for installation
- Network: Fast connection to media location and communication between nodes – 1Gbe minimum
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